What is the New York State Essential Plan?
Jonathan Perez | Aug 04, 2023 Latest From ISO
Health insurance in the United States can be challenging to select - many plan options provide different levels of coverage and can leave many who are new to this process with more questions than answers. Now, for international students and New Yorkers alike, ISO serves as the broker for a no-cost, high coverage plan sponsored by the NY State of Health – the Essential Plan.
Funded by the New York State government, this plan provides free health insurance for low-income state residents of New York, including international students, visitors, permanent residents, and even United States citizens with a simpler enrollment process than the NY state insurance marketplace.
Am I eligible for the New York Essential plan through ISO?
To be eligible to enroll in the plan, you will need to meet all the following criteria:
- Be either a valid visa holder (F1, J1, M1, F2, J2, B1, B2, etc.), migrant, asylee, permanent resident or U.S. citizen
- New York State resident
- 21-64 years old
- Income under $37,650 annually
What does the NY Essential plan cover?
These plans provide high comprehensive coverage, which includes:
- $0 deductible, so your plan can begin paying for your health care immediately
- Full benefits, including dental and vision, as well as inpatient and outpatient hospital care
- Free preventive care visits for services like checkups, bloodwork, and immunizations
Aside from the above, you can use your plan for many other different reasons, including regular doctor visits, specialists, emergency services, testing and scans, prescription drugs, and mental health treatment.
Plan options are currently available for all New York City residents and in most counties – including New York (for Manhattan residents), Bronx, Kings, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, etc.
To check your eligibility, please visit isoa.org and input your school name to see if you are able to use this plan. If you’d like to speak with ISO’s customer care team to get more information, contact us at 212-262-8922.
About ISO Student Health Insurance
Founded in 1958, ISO prides itself on being the leader in providing international students with affordable insurance plans. Administered by former and current international students, we are able to assist our member with multilingual customer service in Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, and more. ISO serves over 3,200 schools/colleges and more than 150,000 insured students every year.
For more information, please visit www.isoa.org and connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn.